What Are Strawberry Runners?

Strawberry runners (also called stolons) are horizontal stems that grow along the ground. Each runner produces several new “daughter” plants that are still attached to the original “mother” plant. A daughter plant will grow roots where it touches the soil. Once the new plant is established on its own roots, the runner will dry up to separate the daughter from the mother plant. June bearing strawberries send out many runners after fruiting and are often more vigorous than everbearing strawberries. Day neutral plants produce almost no runners. Test Garden Tip: For strawberry plants that less than a year old, cut off all runners so the plant directs all its energy into its own growth.

How to Plant Strawberry Runners in Pots

One way to create new strawberry plants from runners is to help them root in pots. This method is especially useful when you want to move the new plants elsewhere. This technique also helps you be selective about the number of runners to leave on the plant. Keep only the number that you want, and cut off the rest to help the mother plant channel more energy into fruit production and creating only the daughter plants you want.

The Easiest Way to Plant Strawberry Runners

The strawberry planting system that is the easiest to establish and maintain is the matted row system. Growing strawberries with this method involves spacing plants 18 to 24 inches apart in the row, with three to four feet between rows. This will allow plenty of space for the plants to set runners that will ultimately allow the plants to be replenished with new growth each year. You can allow the daughter plants to grow wherever they naturally do, or you can direct the runners to a particular spot and pin them in the soil. Although this is a pretty hands-off method of renewing your strawberry patch, it’s still a good idea to remove all but a few runners from each plant to keep up fruit production.

Planting Runners from Potted Strawberries

Because of their small size, strawberry plants also grow well in containers. The best container for growing strawberries is a strawberry pot, which offers several pockets and levels for planting different varieties of strawberries. You can direct runners to an empty pocket to help start a new daughter plant and fill in your strawberry planter.