And there are plenty of other reasons to wear a helmet—not least of all to model good behavior to younger bikers who may also be resistant to wearing one. Depending on where you live, you may even have a legal obligation: According to the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute website, 22 states and the District of Columbia have state-wide laws mandating bike helmets for young riders, and some states and localities have laws for older riders, too. Knowing you should wear a bike helmet and knowing ­how to wear a bike helmet, though, are two different things. Most people don’t properly learn how a bike helmet should fit, so they compromise some of the safety that helmets could provide. To help bike riders young and old better protect themselves, we asked April Beard, helmets product director at Trek, for tips on fitting, wearing, and caring for bike helmets. Don’t start pedaling until you’ve taken these steps to ensure your head is properly protected. How a bike helmet should fit:

The helmet should sit level on your head, just above your eyebrows, and cover your forehead.The strap dividers should sit just below your ear lobes.The chin strap should be snug enough to only squeeze two fingers between your chin and the strap.

No two heads are shaped exactly alike, so you’re likely going to need to adjust your helmet slightly to suit your skull. Beard says helmets offer a range of features to improve the fit, usually within an adjustable ring around the head. These features may vary by type of helmet but include fit system height, fit system circumference, and the strap dividers under the ears and chin strap.“Before flipping your helmet onto your head, take a closer look to see what can be adjusted,” Beard says. Taking a minute or two before you put on the helmet will make it more comfortable and safer for you once you start pedaling. If the fit is off, make adjustments until the helmet fits properly and feels secure. If you need replacement pads, you should be able to buy those separately without having to get a whole new helmet. Whatever you do, don’t get bug spray on your helmet. “Helmets and DEET don’t get along,” Beard says. “Trust me, don’t try it, it will ruin your helmet. If you need to keep the bugs away, spray yourself first, then put on your helmet.” If you have a new helmet but you’ve fallen or crashed while wearing it, it’s time to replace it, no matter if you just got it. “The helmet is designed to absorb shock by partial destruction of the shell and liner,” Beard says. “This damage may not be visible. If subjected to a severe blow, the helmet should be replaced, even if it appears undamaged.” And, of course, if your helmet looks worn, you should probably replace it, even if it hasn’t been in an accident or it’s less than three years old. It has a limited lifespan, and it’s always better to have to replace your helmet regularly than try to replace your skull or brain.