But why does pins and needles happen, and what can we do to make it go away? Is it a sign of something more serious—or just an unpleasant inconvenience? We talked to a few health experts to find out. Most of the time, you’ll feel pins and needles in your hands, arms, feet, or legs. But technically, you can feel them anywhere. “We feel paraesthesias in the hands and feet because they’re further from the spine than anywhere else, and therefore there’s a greater length of nerve that can get pinched,” Dr. Fishman says. “[But] yes, you can feel them anywhere.” RELATED: Sore Feet? These Common Causes of Foot Pain Could Be to Blame Common Causes of Episodic Paresthesia Episodic paresthesia happens when you put pressure on a nerve for a little too long. If you’ve ever felt your leg go numb after crossing your legs for a while, you’ve probably experienced episodic paresthesia. “Most people have felt the feeling of pins and needles before—specifically when they fall asleep on top of their hands or arms for a prolonged time, or sit with their legs crossed for too long,” says Chanha Hwang, a Nevada-based physical therapist. “Once the pressure is relieved, the pins and needles goes away within minutes.” Episodic pins and needles can happen as a result of an acute stressor, such as:

Sitting or standing the same way for too longRestricting blood flow to your hands or feet (by sitting or lying on them)Crossing your legs for a long time

Common Causes of Chronic Paresthesia When there’s not an obvious stressor, the pins and needles may be caused by an underlying health condition. This is called chronic paresthesia. Like the episodic kind, chronic paresthesia is also the result of sustained nerve pressure, but it’s often caused by an underlying health condition (which is why it’s considered chronic, rather than episodic). You may be experiencing chronic paresthesia if you can’t pinpoint the source of your pins and needles—or if yours is frequent and/or long-lasting. It’s associated with certain health conditions like:

Accident or injury (resulting in nerve damage) Pinched or compressed nerve (can be related to piriformis syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, peroneal palsy, and more) Herniated disc Nerve entrapment syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, pronator syndrome, and more) Nervous system condition (stroke, multiple sclerosis, transverse myelitis, encephalitis, and more) Tumor or lesion (near the brain or spinal cord) Infection (Lyme disease, shingles, and more) Autoimmune disease (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and more) Diabetes Vitamin deficiency (vitamin B12, vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin E) Alcoholism Toxicity (lead, arsenic, mercury, and more) Some kinds of medication (including some heart or blood pressure drugs, some cancer drugs, some HIV/AIDS drugs, and more)

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Removing pressure from the tingling areaChanging positionsWiggling your toes (if the pins and needles is in your feet or legs)Clenching and unclenching your fists (if the pins and needles is in your hands or arms)Shaking the body part that’s tinglingRemoving any restrictive clothing

If you’re experiencing chronic paresthesia, consider seeing a doctor. Since the paresthesia may be linked to an underlying health condition, home remedies (like moving around) may not help. Your doctor will start by helping you understand what’s causing your paresthesia(s). “Your doctor will review your medical history, as paresthesia can be caused by existing conditions, such as diabetes or alcoholism,” Hwang says. Then they might ask you about your symptoms—how long have you had them, what seems to trigger them, and whether anything make them better or worse. After that, your doctor may run a few tests—like blood tests, an X-ray, and/or MRI. “In general, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional when new symptoms of any kind arise,” Dr. Yoo says. So be sure to reach out to your primary care provider if you notice unusual, frequent, or long-lasting pins and needles—or pins and needles that doesn’t seem to have an acute cause.